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Category Overview

Japanese Whisky: Caveat Emptor

Japanese Whisky: Caveat Emptor

What if I told you that so much of what you might think is “Japanese whisky” is outright fake? And for what’s actually legitimate, why is it worth so much? How did we get here? I do my best to give you a solid primer.

One Man's Encounter with Baijiu

One Man's Encounter with Baijiu

By far the weirdest spirit I’ve had maybe ever. Let’s learn a little about what Baijiu is and some of the remarkably funky tastes it has in store for unsuspecting drinkers.

Category Overview: Rum

Category Overview: Rum

An unfairly maligned category, and a good rum can be every bit the equal of a scotch or bourbon as far as dark spirits go. Learn how to pick a good ‘un.

Category Overview: Rye Whiskey

Category Overview: Rye Whiskey

When we talk about "Rye Whiskey," you might initially think that the category were as simple as including all whiskeys made from Rye. Ha! If only life were that simple.

Category Overview: Mezcal

Category Overview: Mezcal

Mezcal has been too-long considered a smokey, second-rate tequila. Thankfully, the spirit category is (deservedly) finding a place in the sun. And worry not: it's a rarity to find a worm at the bottom of a good bottle. 

Category Overview: Brandy & Cognac

Category Overview: Brandy & Cognac

Brandies, armagnacs, cognacs? If you're unsure of differences among the terminology, or wondering if you're missing anything with respect to the category as a whole, make with the clicking.

Category Overview: Tequila

Category Overview: Tequila

Tequila is a pretty fascinating spirit category that I didn't think would be "my thing." Suddenly, here we are, with me liking quite a lot of it. Let me see if I can sell you on it.

Category Overview: Vodka

Category Overview: Vodka

Vodka gets a bad rap, but there are no shortage of distillers out there making good products that do indeed taste like something. Let's explore!